MINDFULNESS IN EDUCATION, INDIVIDUAL - Online Course for People Working with Children

MINDFULNESS IN EDUCATION, INDIVIDUAL - Online Course for People Working with Children
Mindfulness in Education online course
Special Inclusion - Get a FREE 10 week Mindfulness Program
Sign up and get the Mindfulness Instructor Training online course and receive the regular inclusions PLUS a 10 week Mindfulness Program, the 5 Mindful Minutes for Kids, for FREE. 5 Mindful Minutes for Kids is an e-book that includes 50 x 5 minute fully scripted Mindfulness Sessions and corresponding videos - teach the content yourself or press play and enjoy the session with your students!
Please note that this is an Individual Sign Up - to Sign up 10+ staff members click here
Access the online training 24/7 until 31/12/25 via our Head and Heart Mindfulness Online Learning Portal
Why do this course?
This course has been designed by teachers for teachers. It will help you create a calmer classroom environment with more engaged students as well as supporting the wellbeing of your students and yourself.
On completion you will be skilled in:
Applying mindfulness, meditation and heartfulness to nurture a calm and supportive classroom environment
Enhancing students self-awareness and emotional intelligence
Supporting students with a range of mental health conditions in your educational setting
Teaching evidence-based emotional regulation skills that calm the brain and the nervous system
Integrating mindfulness based strategies throughout your day to improve engagement and concentration
Implementing tools that improve peer to peer and student to teacher relationships
Nurturing your own mental health and wellbeing
For the students!
If children are struggling emotionally and mentally, they cannot learn, pay attention, make decisions, solve problems, listen, focus, follow rules or interact appropriately - they cannot function to their full potential. Current research shows that 1 in 7 school aged children have a mental health condition and half of all mental health conditions emerge by 14 years of age. We cannot expect children to learn when they are suffering from stress, anxiety, poor emotional regulation or over stimulation.
For yourselves as teachers!
Similarly, if teachers are struggling emotionally and mentally, they are less efficient, make mistakes, have difficulty with relationships and communication, and most importantly can not support their students to the best of their ability. Research in this area shows that many teachers don’t feel supported in their demanding roles and leave the profession due to stress and other mental health conditions.
Mindfulness training can help!
The benefits of mindfulness and meditation include:
Enhances brain function - in particular improves executive functions and calms our stress response
Reduces stress and anxiety which in turn reduces the risk of illness and disease
Prevents depression and reduces symptoms of depression
Increases our stress threshold and improves resilience
Increases self-awareness and emotional intelligence
Improves our ability to regulate our emotions
Improves concentration and memory
Increases positive thinking, feelings and behaviours
Who will benefit from this course?
This course is targeted at people who work with children in primary schools e.g. classroom teachers, teachers’ aides. executive staff, office administration, and also early childhood settings e.g. room leaders, educators, supervisors/directors, educational leaders, teachers aides, office administration. Please note that High school teachers, counsellors, Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists, and parents, have also found this course to be beneficial.
“Every aspect of the course brought "ah ha" moments. It is presented clearly and with content easy to understand, the practical elements are simple to incorporate into everyday life and moments. With Kylie and Brooke having backgrounds in teaching, their knowledge and understanding of a classroom and the behaviours/issues children face, shone through which only strengthens the importance of Mindfulness, Meditation and Heartfulness in our professional and personal life.”
- Kara, Mindfulness in Education Online Course Participant
What is involved?
Mindfulness in Education is an online course delivered via our Head and Heart Mindfulness Online Learning Portal. The course consists of 4 x video sessions with corresponding activities to complete. It has been structured so that you can complete each session in your own time at intervals of your choice e.g. you may like to complete the 4 sessions in one sitting, one week or spread them out and complete them over a four week period.
Session 1
Mindfulness, meditation and heartfulness explained
Mindfulness and its history and background
Current statistics relating to mental health
The benefits of practising mindfulness
Mindfulness and its link to brain function
Session 2
Curriculum links
The Head and Heart Mindfulness - ‘Be Calm, Be Happy’ Framework explained
How to integrate mindfulness in the classroom
Lesson Planning
Session 3
Explore common mental health issues in schools
How mindfulness, meditation and heartfulness can support mental health
Helpful analogies and visuals to support wellbeing
Explore scenarios based on students and teacher mental health concerns
Session 4
Self-care for adults
Examples of daily practises to support wellbeing
Making self-care intentions
Practical mindfulness, meditation and heartfulness session for participant relaxation
“I found the course to be inspiring, informative, gentle paced with lots of practical strategies to use in the classroom and in our our personal lives. Kylie and Brooke were calm, focused and gentle guides in taking you through the 4 sessions…and reminded me of how critical mindfulness is in these unprecedented and challenging times.”
Sue, Principal - Mindfulness in Education Course Participant
What else do I get?
Each participant will receive:
Lifetime access to our exclusive online Mindfulness Resource Library that contains 70+ exclusive Head and Heart Mindfulness video, audio and PDF resources
15% OFF all products in our online shop
10 week mindfulness program 5 Mindful Minutes for Kids containing 50 fully scripted mindfulness sessions and corresponding videos.
Having been a NESA Accredited PD course prior to NESA’s changes in 2021, this course is no longer endorsed by NESA. We are applying to authority bodies in education across the states and hopeful that we will have approval later in 2024. In the meantime, participants can log 4 hours of training as part of your Elective PD. Each participant will be required to log their own hours upon completion of the training.
Sign Up Options:
INDIVIDUAL - Sign up for 1
WHOLE SCHOOL - Up to 50 staff members
Need help deciding on your next step? We’d love to help you explore if this training is for you or your school/preschool!