Why should we smile more?

How often do you smile?

Do you smile back at someone if they smile first?

Are you the one who instigates the smile?


Smiling is one of the simplest ways to show the qualities of heartfulness - kindness, compassion, empathy, generosity etc. Smiling benefits us and those whom we share our smile with. Smiles are such a beautiful and easy way to express our feelings.


When you smile happy chemicals and feel good neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, endorphins and serotonin, are released into your body, telling your brain that you feel happy. This is great for times when you are feeling flat or down as you can smile to trick yourself into being happy. #winning


Did you know that when we see someone smile our brain instinctively wants to mirror and smile back at that person? It’s true. If you really think about it, as soon as somebody smiles at you, you instantly reciprocate. And here’s a fun fact for you: that one initial smile can have a flow on effect and reach up to seven more people! Yes, seven. The person you smile at then automatically without even realising it will want to smile at someone else and so on. Isn’t that amazing?!


Smiling is such an easy action to change your own mindset, as well as others. Really be mindful of how often you could turn your own frown upside down as well as for people around you. And remember that a smile is an instant mood changer. 

How many people will you smile at today? And how many people will your initial smiles touch with the flow on effect?!


“Use your smile to change the world, don’t let the world change your smile.”

Kylie Humphreys